Saturday, August 30, 2014

Peyton's Brushy Creek Adventure

Today my family went in a walk with the dogs. I was on my scooter. You can see a picture of it on my blog.

First, we went to a trail and saw a creek with a pond. Beaux jumped into the water and got wet.

Then, we went to another trail and had to stop at a bridge because the trail isn't finished. 

Then we went to another trail and climbed down to Brushy Creek. My dad saw a turtle and I saw a huge bird.

I climbed on some rocks across the creek and Beaux jumped in so he can cool off. He stayed in the water for a long time.

Then we saw some baby frogs that were the size of rolly pollies. There were ten of them jumping to the creek. I caught two of them, but then we let them go because my dad told me to. Once I let them go, I realized that we should leave them there so they baby frogs can turn into real frogs.

I wish we lived on the creek, because it is hot to ride my scooter there. You can find big frogs and little frogs and rolly pollies and butterflies and ants and turtles and big birds. I would add it to the list of best things that have ever happened to me.
- Peyton

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